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Family Blog
Beauty & the Beast
André's News
Sage's News
Tristan's News
Medieval Brittany
Trekking the French Alps
Suzuki Piano

You can take a virtual tour of our home, browse pictures & movie clips, read short stories of family events, browse our family blog and converse on our forum.

Tristan starts his new soccer season on a "select" team.15-Aug-09
At last our Kauai vacation, 3 years in the making.08-Aug-09
Tristan & André star in the Beauty & the Beast children theatre play.07-Mar-09
Tristan is really enjoying his basketball season.11-Jan-09
While Sage starts the harp, Tristan starts Bodhrán; check out their 1st videos.04-Jan-09
Some nostalgic video clips of the children's Suzuki Piano performances.04-Jan-09
André acts in his first children theatre production: Peter Pan.28-Dec-08
Not all life events come in pictures or movie clips; we share them on our blog.28-Dec-08
Want to share something?  Now you can chat back & forth on our forum.21-Dec-08
Jody painted the boys' bedroom, so I refreshed those pictures on our home.21-Dec-08
While visiting Anne-Laure, we stepped back into Mediaval Brittany times.06-Dec-08
At last, the trek, the maps, the diaries and pictures of our trek in the Alps.21-Nov-08
Tristan finished his soccer season in style.13-Nov-08

For the safety of our family, pictures are password protected.  Send me a request identifying yourself, and I will provide you with access.  Thank you for your understanding.

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