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Trekking the French Alps
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In July '08, we went to France, and this year's big adventure was doing a 5 day hut-to-hut trek in the French Alps, doing the "circuit de la Grande Casse" with back-country backpacks.

It was nothing short of an extraordinary experience in many regards!  The mountains, the rigorous hikes with heavy backpacks, the food, the friendships we made along the way.

Our itinerary took us:

We finished uploading all the photos!  Unfortunately, we ran out of battery, so we had to ration taking pictures as the days went on.  Check out the slide show below, read our brief day-by-day diaries and follow our trail on the map.

We loved it so much that we plan to do it again in the future, this time trekking around the Mt. Blanc.