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Medieval Brittany
Trekking the French Alps
Refuge de Rosuel
Refuge du Col du Palet
Refuge de la Leisse
Refuge du Col de la Vanoise
Suzuki Piano

This was our longest hiking day, but the sun came out and cheered us up, and on our 3rd day we started to get our mountain legs under us.

With the highest pass in sight and la Grande Motte at our back, we proudly ate our lunch of hard baguette, emmental cheese, and French salami - all great hiking food!

We crested at the Col de la Leisse 2758m/9048ft, then descended weaving our way between massive moraines, then passed a lake,

to arrive at the Refuge de la Leisse

where on the edge of the cliff a carpet of Edelweiss laid at our feet.

That evening was the best of our hike with another copious dinner along with an amazing accordion performance, which got all the hikers breaking into a boisterous singing chorus.

Getting to sleep was a challenge as very cheerful hikers were showing no modesty in hanging their lingery to dry around their bunks and teased each other tit-for-tat.  For the sake of our children, it was a good thing that these mild-mannered adults jokes were in French, although if Sage's blushing was any indication, she got them all...

Fortunately, our itinerary called for a day of rest, and we stayed an extra day and befriended our hosts.

Papa also made the silly bet that he would pay 10euros for every second the kids would stay immersed all the way to their necks in the milky glacial lake, and he lost 50 euros per child faster then you can say brrr....