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Medieval Brittany
Trekking the French Alps
Refuge de Rosuel
Refuge du Col du Palet
Refuge de la Leisse
Refuge du Col de la Vanoise
Suzuki Piano

What a breathtaking hike, in rainy, foggy then sunny weather up a pass, into a glacier meadow, and to a refuge tucked into a glacier basin! 

We hiked up in the fog,

playing hide & seek with one waterfall after another, fading in & out.

Then we crested over an eerie pass, where it felt like orcs & goblins would come out of the mountain, and chase us... 

and where mythical creatures would rise from its banks...

shepherds took refuge inside rock huts,

and mere mortals prayed for nature's mercy.

Yet, as we continued to climb, we entered a glacier meadow with vibrant flowers,

and teasing marmots.

As the long climb started to feel heavy on our backs, and weary in our legs, the Alps reenergized us with their majesty.

and rewarded us with stunning setting for the Refuge du Col du Palet.

We were starving!  We ate potato soup, blanquette de veau, tomme de Savoie, and 4-quart for dessert.  We met a great young couple from Belgium over dinner; both were students in medicine.  We had wonderfully animated conversations, and they took a great liking to André.  We would meet them again on the trail and at the next refuge.