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Medieval Brittany
Trekking the French Alps
Refuge de Rosuel
Refuge du Col du Palet
Refuge de la Leisse
Refuge du Col de la Vanoise
Suzuki Piano

Our trek was coming to a bittersweet end.

We hiked along the long & imposing spine of the Grande Casse,

and dropped enough in elevation to find alpine cows happily preparing our emmental cheese.

Then we crossed a ravine using an ancient rock bridge used in the salt trade route over 1000 years ago.

On the way, we finally caught glimpse of a chamois

another impressive granite peak,

and glacier lake,

before our camera battery ran out...

That night, at the Refuge du Col de la Vanoise, we had an excellent Tibetan curry dinner, and we could tell that civilization was not far which saddened us.

The next morning, we took a steep & magnificent 1000m descent in 5 short hours into the hip mountain town of Pralognan-la-Vanoise, but not before taking one last bath in a glacier melt torrent - albeit without bets this time!

This was such a memorable trip!  Don't forget to view the entire slide show of these and many more (family) photos!