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Trekking the French Alps
Refuge de Rosuel
Refuge du Col du Palet
Refuge de la Leisse
Refuge du Col de la Vanoise
Suzuki Piano

6 miles & 1000 meters of elevation in 7 hours

We ate lots of wild strawberries as we climbed in the shade of the trees.  We walked in & out of smaller & smaller mountain villages, each with their mountain stream water fountain.

As we looked back, we could appreciate how much elevation we were gaining and how majestic the Alps were.

The Refuge de Rosuel was fantastic with its avalanche-proof roof built into the mountain and covered with grass.

We were so hungry that we demolished the huge dinner which consisted of vegetable soup, sausages & lentils, tomme de savoie cheese, and ice cream for dessert.

We went to bed a little apprehensive knowing that the next day, we would leave the mountain villages,

and enter the high mountains...